The Midland Railway crest

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Categories and their qualifiers
associated with the Study Centre Catalogue

Category Description
All Categories
Postcard (Any) (A specific listing for searching purposes)
Accident Report
Accountant's Department Document Includes Insurance Office, but excludes paper tickets with (or without) AB or AF references
Act of Parliament
Agreement Inter-Company Documents recording a formal agreement between the Midland Railway and other organisations or individuals. Excludes contracts for the supply of goods and services (see appropriate department category) and contracts of employment (see Staff Record). Also excludes purchase and sale of land (see Railway Land Document), but includes letting or renting of land and buildings.
Ambulance Equipment (inc. medals & awards)
Appendix to Working Timetable
Arbitration Document Documents relating to arbitration proceedings for settling disputes in three areas applicable to railways: traffic rates (i.e. charges), rating (i.e. taxation) and employment.
Book (Commercially Published)
Building Component Any item used in construction of a railway building including door furniture, but not door nameplates.
Burton & Ashby Light Railways Document
Carriage & Wagon Department Document
Carriage & Wagon Fitting
Carriage Print Includes carriage advertisement panel.
Cast Iron Sign
Ceramic Includes both china and salt glazed (earthenware) items.
Clocks and Watches
Coat of Arms Includes heraldic devices: printed, mounted, unmounted or cast metal.
Company Meeting Paper Documents concerned with railway company shareholder meetings including formal notices, agendas, proceedings and passed resolutions, etc. Excludes statutory Report & Accounts covered by separate category.
Constituent Company Document
Diagram Documents which show geographical locations and/or layouts, but are not to scale. (N.B. Where railway usage conflicts, e.g. 'locomotive diagram' or 'carriage diagram', such documents are categorised as Drawing - the railway terminology is mentioned in the Description field.)
Directors' Diary
Dividend Statement
Drawing Documents which depict non-geographically related subjects, including those both to scale and not to scale.
Early Midland Document
Enamel Sign
Engineer's Department Document
General Manager's Department Document Excludes General Manager's Orders which are serially numbered and have their own Category.
General Manager's Order
Goods Department Document Excludes Goods Manager's Numbered Circulars which have their own Category.
Goods Department Equipment
Goods Manager's Circular (Numbered)
Horse and Dray Equipment
Hotels Department Document
Hotels Department Equipment
Joint Line Document
Label Luggage
Label Parcel Includes address labels, parcel stamps, newspaper stamps, news correspondence stamps, corn sample stamps, and railway letter stamps and covers
Label Wagon
Lamp Covers all types e.g. hand, signal, cart, locomotive, etc., and components e.g. burners, vessels, etc.
Land Agreement
Locks and Keys
Locomotive Department Document Includes documents originated by Chief Mechanical Engineer's Department after the 1910 reorganisation.
Locomotive Department Equipment
Locomotive Fitting
London Tilbury & Southend Section Document Applies only to documents from the LT&SR Section after absorption by the Midland Railway in 1912.
Magazine Reprint
Map Documents where the scale is equivalent to, or less than, 6 in: 1 mile.
Marine Department Document Includes documents relating to Midland Railway steamer traffic prior to establishment of the Marine Department in 1904.
Menu Hotel, restaurant car or steamship etc.
Metalware Container
Mineral Department Document
Miscellaneous Document Otherwise un-categorisable!
Miscellaneous Hardware Otherwise un-categorisable!
MRS Miscellaneous Pre-amalgamation legacy items
Newspaper Includes newspaper cuttings.
Northern Counties Committee Document
Notice to Enginemen The special series of distinctive notices applicable only to activities associated with locomotives and running sheds. Not to be confused with the regular series of "Weekly Notices"
Notice to Staff Covers all notices intended to be displayed at the workplace, except for the special series "Notice to Enginemen".
Office Equipment
Operating Document Covers documents variously titled, but directly concerned with operating the railway and not specifically covered by separate categories, e.g. Timetable, Rule Book, Weekly Notice, Appendix, etc.
Parliamentary Paper Documents associated with the requirements of Parliament in relation to railways, prior to the obtaining of an Act of Parliament and subsequently in directly complying with an Act.
Patent Documentation
Pay Check
Permanent Way Component
Photograph Includes mounted and framed and glazed items, but excludes postcards.
Photograph (Copy - Alsop) Copies of postcards from the John Alsop Collection.
Picture Illustrations other than photographs.
Plan Documents which show geographical locations to a scale greater than 6 in: 1 mile. (Excludes parliamentary plans and sections, but includes contract plans and sections.)
Postcard 'A' (Commercial - Alsop) Railway postcards by commercial publishers as defined by John Alsop.
Postcard 'B' (Commercial - Non-Alsop) Postcards of railway subjects not listed by John Alsop.
Postcard 'C' (Official - Alsop) Postcards officially issued by railway companies as listed by John Alsop.
Postcard 'D' (Official - Non-Alsop) Postcards officially issued by railway companies, but not listed by John Alsop.
Private Siding Agreement
Publicity (Brochure) Small booklets or folded items of publicity which include abbreviated or summary timetable information and are often described as "Time Tables" on the front.
Publicity (General)
Publicity (Guide Book / Booklet)
Publicity (Hotels)
Publicity (Tourist Programme)
Railway Clearing House Publication
Railway Land Document Documents concerned with the purchase and sale of land for railway purposes after the authorising Act has been obtained. Excludes renting or leasing of land or buildings (see Agreement Inter-company).
Reference Material A copy of an article, summary, set of notes or similar material written or compiled by an individual on an aspect of the Midland Railway, published or unpublished.
Reference Material – Ticket (A specific listing for searching purposes)
Report and Accounts Statutory (half yearly or yearly) railway company accounts and directors' report.
Royal Train Material
Rule Book
Secretary's Department Document
Share Certificate Includes share transfer certificates.
Share Document Documents concerned with the issue, transfer and administration of shares in a railway company.
Signal / Telegraph Equipment Excludes signal lamps (see "Lamp" category).
Signal Box Nameboard
Silver Plate
Social / Welfare
Staff Record
Stores Department Document
Superintendent's Circular (Numbered)
Superintendent's Department Document
Timetable (Privately Published)
Timetable (Public)
Timetable (Sheet)
Timetable (Working)
Traffic Department Document Also known at various periods as the Coaching Department and the Passenger Department
Uniform and Accessory
War Memorial Item
Weekly Notice to Engine drivers etc. Weekly notices covering signal alterations and engineering work. For the other weekly notices, see "Operating Documents".
Wooden Sign