Resources for Modelling the Midland Railway
The Midland Railway Study Centre contains a wealth of resources which modellers can use as primary source material — in many cases without even needing to leave the comfort of your own workspace.
Perhaps the most widely used resource the searchable database of Carriage & Wagon drawings. This is actually three databases in one: the Midland Railway's own C & W Drawing Register and their “Lots and Diagrams” listing, as well as an index to the surviving drawings available from the Midland Railway Study Centre. Simply enter your search term or number, and select which element of the database you want to search.
Although not all modellers are die-hard scratch-builders, even with an ever growing number of ready-to-run Midland products on the shelves and many fine quality kits, there are many who choose to go back to basics and start from the original drawings. These highly skilled artisans are well catered-for here — whether it be locos, rolling stock or infrastructure.
Of course, like any researcher into Midland Railway history, modellers don't have to go it alone as all the resources of the Midland Railway Study Centre and that of the wider membership of the Midland Railway Society can be called-upon in support of your goals.
Our on-line catalogue is your starting point and for further help or advice all you have to do is ask!
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