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Midland Railway
Carriage & Wagon Resources

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Carriage & Wagon Drawings

We have carefully selected a diverse range of nearly 50 C&W drawings from our collection that can be downloaded to assist you with your modelling project.

This drawing was one of many from the collection used by the Midland Railway Society's President for 2023/24, Andy Brown, in his Presidential Address to the 2024 AGM titled 'Midland Railway Wagon Development to 1878'. Click the image to download the full 8Mb 300dpi scan...

A Midland Railway drawing of a Boiler Truck

The Midland Railway Carriage & Wagon Register
and Midland Railway Study Centre C & W Drawing Catalogue

If this is your first encounter with the Midland Railway's Carriage & Wagon Drawing Register, Andy Boothman - who is responsible for the hard work in making this database available electronically - has prepared an introduction to the subject. That page also contains a link to over four dozen hi-res C&W drawings that can be downloaded.


First, enter the search term you are interested in:

For example; "Crane" in the Description field of the Carriage & Wagon Register will produce good results
whereas "613" as a Drg. No. will return several results including 0613, 1613 etc.

Next, select the Register and Field you would like to search:
Note that it is only the THIRD COLUMN which will return results of drawings actually available in the Midland Railway Study Centre
Carriage & Wagon
MR Lots & Diagrams Study Centre
Description - Description - Description -
MR Drg. No. - Lot No. - MR Drg. No. -
LMS Drg. No. - Diagram No. -
Finally, Click Here:

Return to the Home Page.

Terms & Conditions for Downloads:

In the case of all downloads from this website, the linked file is provided to you on the basis of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence. Where a residual copyright may exist, our supply of a copy image to you is strictly limited to your personal research purposes or otherwise as permitted by copyright legislation.

In the event your intended use is outside the scope of these conditions, please contact the Study Centre Co-ordinator.

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Page updated Monday, 10 June 2024
Dataset last updated 07DEC2015
Generated dynamically at: 04:22:41 04Mar2025 (UTC)