The Midland Railway crest

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Historic Building Record

The formal Historic Building Record commissioned by Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust was published on 8th October 2021 by its author, Mel Morris Conservation. We are delighted that the Study Centre has been chosen to be a digital repository for Historic Building Record. It can also be downloaded direct from the ADS Easy service under OASIS ID 20009865, who also host all of the 174 JPEG images.

Image shows the derelect Wingfield railway station in Derbyshire surrounded by overgrowth and decay.

The recording has been undertaken to a Level 3 Historic England survey. This is set out In the Historic England publication of 2016 “Understanding Historic Buildings: A Guide to Good Recording Practice”. This comprises a systematic account of the building's origins, development and use and an account of the evidence on which the analyses is based, allowing the validity of the record to be re-examined in detail. It also includes drawn and photographic records.

The analysis includes a high degree of analytical assessment, utilising comparative examples, where appropriate, to put the building into context, both nationally and internationally, given the context of the development of railways worldwide. Building investigation involves a detailed examination of the structure, and evidence of phasing, architectural styles, plan elements and decorative schemes, fixtures and fittings.

The assessment includes map regression to assist in determining the phasing of the buildings and associated structures. This includes the Ordnance Survey records from the 19th and early 20th century, the Tithe map, estate maps for the Strelley estate, and railway maps, which are deposited in various archives, including Rail Track archives and the Midland Railway Study Centre. The assessment also investigates British Newspaper Archive records of incidents on the line and advertisements for the opening of the line, and census records, to expand on an understanding of development and the use of the buildings at different dates.

The complete document comprises an 83 page, copiously illustrated, PDF with five appendices and measured survey drawings as separate files. The main file can be downloaded either as a lower-resolution version which has been compressed to make it faster to download, or in its full resolution version.

Download the full version (74.6MB)...

The front of the Historic Building Record report

Download the compressed version (17.2MB)...

The front of the Historic Building Record report

View or download the appendices and measured survey drawings ...

The appendices and measured survey drawings to the Historic Building Record report

With our gratitude to Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust for allowing us to share this document.

Page last updated: Saturday, 8 January 2022